Herbal Destination Memory Hrx Review
The following is our product review of the supplement Memory Hrx, made by Herbal Destination. The maker’s of this product claim that this supplement can act as a brain booster, formulated to assist with recalling of facts, better cognition, enhancement of attention span, while boosting brain power. Ingredients Bacopa (whole plant) (saponins 15%) Gotu Kola [Read more…]

Irwin Naturals Brain Awake Review
Today we are reviewing a product called Brain Awake by Irwin Naturals. The maker’s of this product claim that it can boost brain function and mental performance, as well as enhance cognitive functions. Ingredients Vitamin B6 Folate Vitamin B12 MCT Acetyl L Carnitine Bacopa Extract Holy Basil Alphawave L-theanine Natural Tea Extract Lemon Balm Extract [Read more…]

Today we review Now True Focus Veg Capsules. With specific amino acids and vitamins, this supplement will help you produce more norepinephrine and dopamine. These neurotransmitters are essential in helping you stay alert and keeping your mental focus clear. Ingredients Vitamin C Vitamin B6 Potassium L-Tyrosine L-Phenylalanine Taurine Grape Seed Extract Potassium Ascorbate Powder Dimethylaminoethanol [Read more…]

Maxi Health Focus Max Two Review
Today we review Maxi Health Focus Max Two. This supplement promotes healthier brain function, which will make you more alert and concentrated. By also protecting the brain tissue from damage, you will see extra protection from memory loss. Ingredients Vitamin B12 Ginkgo Biloba Phosphatidylserine BioVinca Vinpocetine While these ingredients do help your brain stay more [Read more…]

Vitabiotics Neurozan Plus Omega-3 Review
Our review in this article is focusing on of a product made by Vitabiotics called Neurozan Plus Omega-3. The product was made to contribute to the maintenance of normal brain function. The makers claim that this product should provide advanced nutritional support, as well as provide nutrients that help contribute to the maintenance of the [Read more…]

Nature’s Own Memory Boost Review
Today we review Nature’s Own Memory Boost. Formulated for high potency, this supplement contains 7500 mg of ginkgo plus many other natural botanicals to help increase your brain’s ability to remember things. By also supporting healthy blood circulation, these capsules provide more blood to not only your brain, but the rest of your body as [Read more…]

Today we review Sure Science Cogniflex. This special formula is designed not only to give you more energy to complete tasks, but it also improves your cognitive function so you can do those tasks better. By increasing your concentration, improving your creativity, and engaging your memory recall, this supplement claims to be the best at [Read more…]

This Pure Nature Cognifen review is going to take a closer look at the facts and details to learn more about how this brain-boosting supplement works and to see if it’s worth trying out. The manufacturer claims that Cognifen is made from a brain and focus formula that can improve your mood, boost your memory function, [Read more…]

McCleary Scientific Lucidal Review
It’s not just aging that can cause our minds to lose some of its sharpness. Exhaustion, stress, parenting and other factors can be contributing factors as to why your mind is loosing its extra kick. This McCleary Scientific Lucidal review is going to take a closer look at the facts and details to see if [Read more…]

ALZ Vitamins Memory and Brain Review
Today we review ALZ Vitamins Memory and Brain. Back by clinical research, this formula will help your overall brain function improve. With a special mix of vitamins, your brain will be better protected against physical changes due to Alzheimer’s. Ingredients Vitamin B1 Vitamin B3 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B9 Vitamin B12 Vitamin D Vitamin C Vitamin [Read more…]

Leading Edge Health Brain Pill Review
This Leading Edge Health Brain Pill review is going to take a closer look at the facts and details to learn more about how this brain boosting supplement works and to see if it’s worth trying out. The manufacturer claims that taking this supplement can boost your working memory, help you quickly process information, have [Read more…]

This review puts the spotlight on the Brainol Natural Solution Brain Boosting Formula. This is a highly effective brain-boosting and mind sharpening supplement that helps keep your energy up both physically and mentally. This is a great dietary supplement for today’s busy individual who needs to keep their mind alert and focused. To learn more [Read more…]