Barimelts Biotin Review

Today we review Barimelts Biotin. These quick-dissolving tablets are specially formulated for Bariatric patients. While supporting normal cell growth, you should see stronger, healthier hair, skin, and nails.
Each tablet contains 5000 mg of Biotin. Clinical studies show that the optimal daily dose of biotin is 10,000 mg. With only half of the scientifically recommended amount, these tablets may not be as effective as some of its competitors. This supplement is gluten and sugar free, making it easier for more people to use this on a daily basis. There is a natural strawberry flavor added to each tablet, but many customers complained that this tasted awful to the point they were unable to take any more of these tablets.
One tablet should be allowed to dissolve completely in your mouth, with no water needed. Take only one dose per day. With this dose of only one tablet daily, you will not reach the needed 10,000 mg of biotin to see truly stronger hair, skin, and nails.
Possible Side Effects
If you are pregnant, nursing, or taking any additional medications, consult with your healthcare professional before starting this supplement. Children under the age of 18 should avoid using this product. Additionally, while there are no side effects listed, there are artificial sweeteners like mannitol and xylitol in this supplement to help add flavor. It is important to note that too high of an intake of these artificial sweeteners can cause terrible gas, bloating, and diarrhea.
Each bottle contains 90 fast melt tablets and costs $14.99. There is an additional 15% off of your first purchase if you sign up for the manufacturer’s email list. Even with this cheap price, many customers complained of a high price, which shows the price must have been lowered recently. In order to have such a lowered price, we wonder if some of the efficiency of this product was also compromised.
While not listed as a money back guarantee, this company does list a returns policy. If you find yourself unhappy with your purchase, you have 30 days to begin the refund process. Start by emailing their customer service site, and someone will guide you through the process. They do state that they ask for unopened bottles to be shipped back to the manufacturer and a full refund will be credited. Unfortunately, it is not clear if you will receive a refund for any opened bottles.
Conclusion of Our Barimelts Biotin Review
There are a few things we liked about Barimelts Biotin. These tablets are quick dissolving, allowing them to be taken without water. Also, the price for a three month supply is very inexpensive.
Unfortunately, we had many concerns in regards to this product. Each tablet only contains 5000 mg of biotin instead of the clinically recommended 10,000 mg needed per day. Next, customers complained of a high price, which makes us think this lower price shows a decrease in the quality of this supplement. Lastly, it is unclear if opened bottles are available for a return and a refund of the purchase price. For these reasons, we cannot recommend this supplement to help improve the look of your skin, hair, and nails.