Botanic Choice #739 Colon Clear Formula Review

If nutrients are not properly absorbed from food and waste elimination does not adequately take place, not only is your digestive health compromised, but a host of other functions too. Your metabolism is likely to be impaired by toxin build up, and your kidneys and liver will have to work harder to flush these out first. When you don’t get an adequate uptake of nutrients, you are also bound to be more fatigued, and there could even be links to depression and anxiety. Cognition definitely takes a hit, and this could be not only due to nutrient- and oxygen-rich blood not reaching the brain enough, but the body being overrun by yeast and other infections. Some bacteria which start in the gut are able to populate it to such an extent that they eventually grow roots in the intestinal walls, and make their way into the bloodstream.
Colon Clear is a natural, three-ingredient formula which Botanic Choice says speeds up waste elimination and relieves occasional constipation. It eases bloating and gas, enhances nutrient absorption and cleanses your GI tract. We will have a look at to what extent the product claims are substantiated in this review.
- 1500 mg psyllium husk
- 42 mg slippery elm
- 60 mg gentian root
Psyllium husk is a high-fiber, high-potency natural botanical that gently but effectively cleanses the gut. It swells with the liquid in the intestines and bowel to create a gently scrub-like surface that cleanses the intestinal walls and gathers toxins and fecal matter on its way out. As for the elm tree, the dry inner bark aids the working of the husk – it has also been used by indigenous peoples throughout the ages as a remedy. Gentian root supports the actual breakdown of the foods so your nutrient absorption is maximised.
Take three capsules a day, with lots of water, and preferably spaced out as one capsule three times daily.
Possible Side Effects
Since the ingredients are meant to bind ingredients on their way out in a sort of gather-and-go mechanism, you should cease taking these capsules if you have difficulty swallowing. Always make sure to take them with a full glass of water. Although not expressly stated, seek clearance if you are pregnant.
The sale price on the Botanic Choice website is $19.00 for a bottle of 180 capsules. There does not appear to be a lowered price for subscribing, or bigger bottle sizes, or discounts-by-bulk orders or 3, or 6 or more.
The money-back guarantee is extensive as you have one year to return products. You must return the unused portion of your products, or all the bottles if you have bought a bulk order. In the case of the latter, everything is fine as long as you have opened only one bottle.
Conclusion Of Our Botanic Choice #739 Colon Clear Formula
This supplement will relieve you of bloat, gas and unmoved fecal waste in a way that is gentle, so as not to disrupt your normal bathroom habits too much or cause you to have to miss work, for example. These herbs are tried and tested, and the manufacturer is a major one and has a good reputation.
Botanic Choice though does not state this remedy to be a comprehensive one that will also rectify underlying gut imbalances and issues long term. They are correct to do so, as the product lacks probiotics for one, enzymes for another, and could probably do with a higher antioxidant active ingredient count. Therefore if you have underlying problems with digestion such as your food not being properly broken down in the first place, in the absence of enzymes to correct this, you may be subject to repeat bouts of constipation and digestive obstruction. The lack of probiotics also means bacteria and fungi that love to make themselves resident in the gut will indeed do so, because there isn’t enough good bacteria to inhibit them. As a long-term rectification you could take probiotics and enzymes with this supplement, but it depends on your budget, as the cumulative cost will escalate. There are colon cleansers that also incorporate other components such as enzymes and probiotics to tackle long-term gut rebalance.