
Candidar Review

Candidar Review

We recently reviewed the dietary supplement, Candidar. An all natural dietary supplement used to relief symptoms brought on by Yeast Infections. This supplement is taken daily by both men and women to eliminate symptoms of both pain, and skin irritation. Candidar claims to work against these symptoms while preventing future infections from happening again, using an all natural list of ingredients.

To learn more about Candidar and how it can potentially help you, please continue reading to find out more.



The dosage for candidar is suggested as a progressive trial.  They suggest you take one capsule of Candidar twice a day. For example one in the morning and then another one in the afternoon. Once you have completed about one month of treatment from Candidar, then you can increase your daily dosage from two capsules a day, to three capsules a day. Taking one in the morning, one in the afternoon time, and then again at night.

Possible Side Effects

Although most medications can cause you to have some side effects, Candidar is an all natural dietary supplement, and therefore doesn’t have any side effects listed. It is printed on the label that consumers take it with caution, and do not start treatment before consulting their doctor if they are pregnant or breast feeding, taking any other prescription drugs for a current medical condition, or are under the age of 18 years old. Never exceed the recommended dose of Candidar and only increase to three capsules once you have a reach one month.


You can purchase a variety of different package options when ordering Candidar. One bottle is equal to one month of supply containing 60 capsules and is listed at $49.95. Once you have progressed in your treatment you can increase your orders starting with two bottles discounted at $34.95 each for a total of $69.90. Your next step following that order, would be to increase to four bottles at $27.95 each, with a total price of $111.80. Lastly, their biggest package contains six bottles with a discounted price of $23.30 each, for a total of $139.80.

It appears that the more you buy, the bigger the discount Candidar offers you, which is a very generous option to their customers.


When purchasing Candidar packages you are buying a product that is 100% guaranteed to satisfy your needs for yeast infection relief, or they will refund your entire order. This must be initiated within 60 days of that purchase, which gives you ample time to test out the medication and see if its the right fit for you. You will only have to pay the small shipping fee it will cost you to send back your used and unused bottles to them. Customers that have already been using Candidar are claiming incredible results, with quality customer service. Which tells us that this policy isn’t used very often.

Conclusion of Candidar Review

We have come to the conclusion after carefully researching Candidar, that it is one of the most effective medications for yeast infections on the market today. Candidar utilizes all of its natural ingredients to help relieve you of severe yeast infection pain, and overall discomfort. Fighting against skin irritation with a balance ph level of medicine, that is sure to help you get rid of your infection, and prevent it from ever returning.

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