
Jetzone Jet Lag Prevention Review

Jetzone Homeopathic Jet Lag Remedy Review

Jetzone Homeopathic Jet Lag Remedy Review

Today we are reviewing a product called JetZone Jet Lag Prevention. The makers of this chewable tablet designed the product to help balance the sleep loss and mood related symptoms that can occur when you miss sleep due to long airplane flights. JetZone Jet Lag Prevention is a homeopathic combination for the temporary relief of the disruptions in circadian rhythms and fatigue associated with jet lag from flying and the symptoms of insomnia, exhaustion, irritability and anxiety. Jet lag causes an interruption of the body’s natural sleep-wake cycles by disturbing the body’s internal clock. It can cause sleep deprivation, lethargy, restlessness, headaches and mood swings among other symptoms.


Inactive Ingredients:

Arnica, Gelsemium , Semperviren, and Kali Phosphoricum help you fall asleep. Kali Phosphoricum also alleviates fatigue-related headaches. Cocculus Indicus treats post-travel headaches while Nux Vomica fights anxiety and heartburn. Argentum Nitricum also helps with anxiety.


Start by chewing a tablet an hour before your flight, then take one tablet every 2 hours while flying, and take one when landing. Should you fall asleep while flying, continue with this 2-hour regimen upon waking. Children as young as 6 can take these tablets. There was no dosing information for children even though the website said suitable for children as young as 6 years of age. This was troubling.

Possible Side Effects

The website does not mention any specific side effects related to this pill. Consult a doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding before beginning the treatment. Do not exceed the recommended dose. See a doctor if your symptoms of jet lag continue for longer than 7 days. Not intended as a substitute for sleep or alertness.


On Amazon, a 30 pack of chewable tablets costs $8.84. We did not see any special offers for new customers or discounts when purchasing in bulk.


There was no evidence of a guarantee nor a refund policy but third party retailers have their own policies such as a limited 30 day return policy on one site we saw. A reliable and trustworthy manufacturer would back their product with an appropriate return policy on the strength of their conviction that the product works.

Conclusion of Our Jetzone Jet Lag Prevention Review

We do like that the product is all 100% natural and homeopathic, that the pills are chewable and pleasant tasting, and require no water to swallow. On the downside, there was no evidence of a guarantee nor refund policy. There was no dosing information for children even though the website said suitable for children as young as 6. The reviews were very mixed and the more negative reviews indicated that the pills were not helpful in lessening jet lag while others said they experienced an unpleasant side effect, namely a very uncomfortable GI tract response. A packet of tablets only contains 30 pills, enough for 1-2 long trips which makes one packet of pills quite costly at almost $9. There were discounts for first time or bulk buyers. We recommend you shop around to find a product with a strong guarantee and refund policy, and that has better consumer reviews.


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