Nature Had It First Anti-Yeast Capsules Review

The subject of our product review today is a supplement called Anti-Yeast Capsules by Nature Had It First. This all-natural herbal blend is made from organic and/or wildcrafted herbs. The company claims that the supplement works with your diet to kill pathogenic yeasts and restore a good pH balance to your system.
- Goldenseal root
- Echinacea
- Pau D’Arco
- Slippery Elm
- Myrrh Gum
- Black Walnut Hull
Berberine can inhibit Candida growth and boost immunity. Echinacea can be effective against yeast-related conditions. Pau D’Arco is a strong antifungal agent since it contains a compound called lapachol which inhibits the growth of candida. Black Walnut has been linked in studies to curing bacterial vaginosis and might be helpful in treating yeast infections.
We did not find any information regarding dosage on the company website nor on the product label. This is critical information for anyone wanting to use this supplement.
Possible Side Effects
We did not find any specific warnings or side effect information on the company website nor product label, but as always with supplements it’s critical to consult your physician before using especially if pregnant, nursing, taking medicine, or have an existing medical condition.
The company website says that a bottle of 100 capsules costs $21.50. When we clicked the “Shop” link, we got an error message so you are not currently able to purchase this product directly from the company website. There are no incentives for new customers nor discounts for bulk buyers. It is not clear if shipping is included in the purchase price or not. Since dosage instructions are not made known, we can’t know if $21.50 for 100 capsules is a good price or not.
We were not able to find any information regarding a manufacturer’s guarantee or return policy.
Conclusion of Our Nature Had It First Anti-Yeast Capsules
In summarizing our review of NHIF Anti Yeast, we have a mixed bag of comments. The supplement contains some likely beneficial ingredients for treating yeast infections. Our criticisms of this product take up more space in this review however. There is a critical lack of information regarding a recommended dose of the supplement meaning you the user are left guessing how many capsules to take, and at what time of day. There is also no information regarding warnings and side effects on the website nor product label. Also missing is any form of guarantee or return policy. If you have the choice, why would you spend your money on a product that puts all the purchase risk on you and provides no security of a return policy. Without a dose recommendation we cannot determine if the price for 100 capsules is good or not which makes it hard to review this element of the product. Shipping information and cost is also not provided by the website. There are no new customer incentives nor bulk buying discounts. For these reasons, we would recommend that you steer well clear of this supplement and look for one with a strong guarantee, clear dosage instructions, and a decent bulk buying discount.